How does sativa affect the brain?

Sativa strains cause an increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of sleep, appetite, anxiety, movement, learning and the general mood of our brain. That's why most people try marijuana.

How does sativa affect the brain?

Sativa strains cause an increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of sleep, appetite, anxiety, movement, learning and the general mood of our brain. That's why most people try marijuana. The main psychoactive ingredient, THC, stimulates the part of the brain that responds to pleasure, such as food and sex. That triggers a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a relaxed, euphoric feeling.

Both Sativa and Indica are thought to have high levels of THC, but that THC is more active in Indica strains. Sativa is thought to prove effective, especially in migraines, because it has anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, because Sativa has a strong connection to increased mental relaxation, it is possible that the long-term benefits in terms of stress reduction address one of the main risk factors for hypertension. Understanding the differences between Sativa and Indica can help you treat both chronic and acute pain.

Patients usually take about 0.1 milligrams of Sativa per pound of body weight, or higher amounts when using an edible oil. Phytocannabinoids are exogenous cannabinoids extracted from flowering plants of the cannabis genus, including Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis. You've probably heard that Sativa produces a sense of euphoria and improves energy, while Indica is good for pain management and sleep (these experiences are reflected in almost every marijuana forum on the Internet). Therefore, while Indica may cause an initial and transient increase, it is likely to have better long-term benefits than Sativa.

Strains aren't an exact science, but Sativa strains are generally associated with a common set of effects. This indicates that a high level of the useful elements in Sativa extract remain available for use by the body and make their way through the circulation quickly and without interruption. If you experience mental confusion as part of your depression and, as a result, find it difficult to learn, using Sativa to increase your serotonin levels could change that. When researching Sativa vs Indica for high blood pressure, you may notice that Indica has higher levels of THC.

Sativa extract tends to remain potent beyond metabolism, which is where the liver breaks down the useful products of any medication. By increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain, the right dose of Sativa has antidepressant effects. One of the key differences between the “high” of Sativa and Indica is the way they affect neurotransmitters respectively. As you may have seen, the differences between Sativa and Indica matter most when treating certain medical conditions.