What does sativa mean in plants?

Sativa, sativus and sativum are Latin botanical adjectives that mean cultivated. It is often botanically associated with plants that promote good health and is used to designate certain domestic crops grown with seeds.

What does sativa mean in plants?

Sativa, sativus and sativum are Latin botanical adjectives that mean cultivated. It is often botanically associated with plants that promote good health and is used to designate certain domestic crops grown with seeds.


is another classification of marijuana strains. The leaves of this subspecies of marijuana plant are lighter in color and narrower than their counterparts.

Cannabis made from these plants is associated with a stimulating effect that gives users a high. These plants tend to grow in hot, dry climates and can be found in Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia and western parts of Asia, according to Healthline. The industry uses this partnership as a way to market sativa and indica cultivars, and thousands of other cannabis products. But the effects we normally associate with sativas aren't always produced by sativa plants, nor do indica plants always produce effects similar to indicas.

In fact, the effects have no relation to the physical structure of current cannabis plants. The terms Sativa and Indica are much more useful for growers than for consumers. In cultivation, sativa is commonly used to describe the morphology or physical characteristics of a plant during growth. Sativas tend to be taller than indicas and have long, thin leaves, while indicas are much shorter and contain broad, short leaves.

Sativas also take much longer to mature during the flowering stage, with flowering times of up to 100 days. To understand the origins of the indica-sativa debate, we need to dive quickly into botanical history. Indica and Sativa have been part of the cannabis lexicon since the mid-18th century. In 1753, Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus identified psychoactive cannabis plants as Cannabis sativa in his work Species Plantarum.

Thirty-two years later, French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck identified Cannabis indica as a different species while observing the physical characteristics of Indian cannabis plants. Indica plants have broad, dark green leaves compared to C. Sativa leaves, light and narrow. The Sativa framework has generated controversy and for good reason.

When you research strains online, you'll likely see sativas described as cerebral, heady, uplifting, and energizing, while indicas are described as relaxing, sedative, full-bodied, and stony. It is still perfectly valid to describe the effects as sativa or indica type, as long as we remember that the effects of the sativa or indica type do not necessarily coincide with the sativa or indica lineage of a plant. The paradigm of rejoicing is clearly outdated, if not totally inaccurate. So where does that leave us? How relevant are the terms indica and sativa, if any, and what effect will they have on your high? The effects you experience from cannabis strains are much more directly related to cannabinoids and terpenes.

THC, the dominant compound in cannabis, is just one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Each cultivar has its own cannabinoid composition and its accompanying effect. Sativa is a Latin word that means cultivated. Simply identify domestic crops grown with seeds.

Sativus), oats (Avena sativa), rice (Oryza sativa), alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and garlic (Allium sativum) are all sativas. You probably don't want to vape a carrot. There are several key differences between cannabis sativa and Indica cannabis. These include height and height, internodal length, leaf size and structure, bud size and density, flowering time, odor, smoke, and effects.

Indica plants tend to grow shorter and bushier than sativas. Indica varieties tend to have broad, short leaves with short, wide leaves, while Sativa varieties have long leaves with long, thin leaves. The buds of Indica varieties tend to be wide, dense and bulky, while Sativa varieties tend to be long, sausage-shaped flowers. If you're like me, the first thing you learned about cannabis is that there are two different types: Indica vs Sativa.

When I first started in the cannabis industry, I was taught that Cannabis Sativa plants are different from Cannabis Indica plants in how they look and how they make you feel. If you want to be technical with language, they will have different phenotypes (physical characteristics) and chemotypes (the chemical profile that dictates the effect). I was told that Sativa plants are tall and thin. The plant takes longer to mature and produces faint flowers.

I was told that indica plants are short and robust. They mature faster than Sativa plants and produce dense flowers. Sativas offer uplifting and energetic effects, and Indica products produce sedative effects. When the two types are bred together, a third type of plant called a hybrid is obtained, and the physical and chemical characteristics of the plant fall somewhere in between with varying effects.

One user may report a feeling of sedation and relaxation from a Sativa lineage plant, while another will report an uplifting effect from the same plant. Within the cannabis community, the cannabis sativa plant is often characterized by uplifting effects that produce a high, while indicas are thought to be sedative and usually cause an intense body high. So what is the difference between indica and sativa, and what impact do they have on users who use the drug? Let's take a closer look. In other words, indicas and sativas continue to exist because they still have a purpose for growers, and old habits die hard among retailers.

They knew which were supposed to be indica and which were supposed to be sativas, but they found some surprises. Hybrids are created by growing two strains of cannabis, where one or the other is Sativa or Indica. Miscegenation has dominated the last 50 years of cannabis cultivation, virtually eliminating the possibility of finding a pure sativa or indica. Whether you're new to the world of marijuana or a long-time cannabis user, there's a good chance you've heard of the supposed “body high” of an indica, the “brain high” of a sativa, or the varied effects of a hybrid.

A Sativa flower with significant amounts of Myrcene could be mistaken for an Indica flower simply because of the relaxing effects of Myrcene. The disadvantage of this naming system is that it may not help someone find the right strain for them, since the effects are determined by the chemical profile of a strain, not by whether it is an indica or a sativa, two sativas can produce different effects, and the same strain can affect two people. differently. However, this doesn't mean that a flower labeled Sativa is guaranteed to leave you feeling energized and lively.

Sativa plants have longer flowering cycles, do best in warm climates with long seasons, and generally grow taller with narrow light green leaves. Cannabis strains are often labeled or described first by whether they are a sativa, an indica, or a hybrid of the two strains. . .